Loneliness is not a virtue to celebrate, it is not a way of life to be emulated, it is not even a style of living that we need to imbibe.
And that is because, a lonely person is for the most part, a depressed person. And a depressed person, is one who has allowed the devil and his demons to set up a trading center in his or her mind. They haggle about all the negatives of life, they emphasize all the gory details of existence, they dwell in their own debased territory of self-delusion.
There are those who think that loneliness is the past time of the foolish and the ignorant alone. They think that an intellectual genius, like an Albert Einstein will be immured from the cacophony of loneliness. But hear what Albert Einstein, had to say on the subject:
"It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely"
~Albert Einstein
Friends, loneliness is not what happens just to the sinner alone. Even the saint may experience it if the saint allows it. And that is because loneliness is a feeling that tells you that you are all by yourself in this life, it tells the victim just like it did to the great saint of God, called, Prophet Elijah that there is no point living any longer in this life, because life itself is very boring and worthless. Yes, It almost caused that mighty Prophet of God to throw in the towel if not for the intervention of God.
A lonely person will suddenly begin to focus on just himself or herself alone! he will wonder at why others are smiling; he would think that they are simply being unreal, because his own reality is a different kind of reality. She would get offended at you if you laughed at a simple joke, they would feel irritated even when something good happens to them, simply because they have not learned the skill of enjoying their quietness.
Please understand, that there is a world of difference between quietness and loneliness!
For quietness is a virtue and loneliness is a vice. Quietness is a time you separate yourself from the 'noise of the day', to the 'silence of the quiet-time', so as to commune with your spirit and the Spirit of God, whereas, loneliness is where you dwell in after listening to the voice of the devil for too long.
Yes, a lonely person believes that he or she is alone in this life, that he or she is a victim of life, that he or she is getting a raw deal from life for no just cause, but a quiet person, understands that when he or she is by himself or herself, the greater one, who is the Spirit of God, is also there with him or her (1 John 4:4).
Such a person understands that he must interject his thoughts of loneliness with mentally and spiritually-empowering questions like King David did in the above scripture; like when he began to ask and demand of his soul why his soul was cast-down and disquieted within him?
In other words, you must form the habit of asking yourself the correct question when you experience the wrong feeling. You must stop in your tract to ask this:
"My mind, why are you sad today?"
"My body, why are you feeling tired now?"
"My mind, what do you need to be full of joy now?"
"My situation, why do you think God is dead?"
"My spouse, how will I love you better?"
"My career, what do you need to blossom?"
"My character, what do you need me to do, so that you can be a character of emulation?"
"My mind, what does it take for you to focus on the promises of God for my life?"
Yes, the above questions and several other ones will help to activate your mind in the right path, in the right direction and in the way to go.
And that is why I am praying that just like David, you will not be a victim today to the mental giants that attempt to hold us down. You will not be a bye-word in the school of destiny, you will not be a loner in the journey of life and you will not be a casualty in the market place of life, in Jesus name! Amen! Do have a great week!
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