Friday, February 28, 2014



As kingdom citizens, we must learn how to talk the language of the kingdom, we must adopt the vocabulary of zion, we must double dare to learn how to speak like the faith- child of a faith-God. For the scripture declares that the just shall live by his faith (Hebrews 10:38). And what does that mean? you ask. It simply means that the one that has been justified  by the blood of Jesus must live from the inside to the outside, he must live from within to without, he must live from the spirit-realm to the physical-realm, he must live by the word of God, planted in his spirit…For when bills pile up, you must not dignify them by complaints, when oppositions mount you must not dignify them by crying, when nasty opinions are expressed concerning you, you must not dignify them by being depressed, when character issues challenge your testimony, you must not dignify them by wallowing in them…For life is a battle and we win by faith, and faith has a language. That language says, “let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10).” That is why King David, who began to face every kind of battle from the his childhood, from animals in the forest, from King Saul, from his son Absalom, from neighboring cities etc still warned us that somethings must not be told in Gath and somethings must not be mentioned in Ashkelon so that the Philistines will not rejoice at  our expense. And that is why even with all those things going on around him, he still found time to say, “…Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…(Psalm 23:6)” Hallelujah!!! So, open your mouth in the face of apparent defeat and say quietly to yourself over and over again, that …surely, goodness and mercy is following me all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen…”Let us pray:

Dear Father,
We pray that  even in the face of challenges and oppositions…surely, goodness and mercy are still following us according to your word, in Jesus name…Amen!

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